The other day I was telling Melissa about a new TLC tv show. It's called
"Meet the Putmans". It's about a family that has decided to life a little differently than the rest of us. They have four adult children whom all are married with children. And they all live together. As in live together in one house.
One house...two bathrooms....only one washer and dryer....for 25 people. Ten adults and fifteen children. There is one daughter in this mix, and her husband decided to take HER name instead of her changing her name so their kids would have the same last name as their cousins. Yep. That's very different from our normal American life.
The Putmans vote on just about everything...from design options to the house they are building (which will have more than two bathrooms for all those people) to whether or not the daughter and her husband can move away so they will be closer to the husband's work.
When I was telling my co-workers about it, they, also, thought it was weird as well. One said it sounded like a cult. Maybe so.
Melissa asked me why. I told her they said it's because they love each other that much. Melissa's comment?
"I don't love you that much."
So. Benjamin's not the only one who tells it like it is!!