On the way home from an after school study session, I noticed that Ben wore shorts to school yesterday. A sure sign that summer is coming. I can't remember what comment I said, but I do remember what Ben said. He informed me that he wasn't going to wear shorts to school again! Apparently, too many people made comments on how skinny his legs are.
Believe me. They are skinny...but I think they are cute!
So, I said, "But they are cute! Besides they look sort like your dad's and I think his are cute, too.
Ben's response? "Mom, you can't say those things to me!"
"What? Why not? I think everything about you is cute...well...except the surly attitude. That's not cute."
He just shock his head.
Later as we were getting ready for dinner I leaned my head on Drew's shoulder as I was waiting for him to finish using the ice dispenser on the refrigerator so I could get some water from. As I had me head on his shoulder I kiss him - after all Drew is my husband!
But Ben saw it, "MOM! Stop!! NO PDA!!! You can't do that around me!"
Really? Of course, his indignation just makes me want to show more PDA....just to see him get all embarrasses. (#badmom)