Monday, June 25, 2012

The Van

Last week the kids and I spent on the coast enjoying the cooler temperatures and the beach. Very nice. I do miss the of the best things about living on a tropical island was the beaches.  But, hopefully, the next time I go Drew will come along as well instead of having to work.

About Tuesday my van started to make a noise....admittedly, I ignored it for a few days.  Yes, I love to bury my head in the sand.  I finally got my father-in-law to look into it. We both thought the sound stopped when I turned off the  A/C. I felt like I could make it back home without any trouble.

And I did. Thank the good Lord.

Drew took the van in this morning. Yea. Not the A/C. At first they said it was a belt and pulley - could be fixed for $300.  Not too bad - could be worse.

Then they called back and said it was worse.  Now the price is closer to three times that amount. Hopefully, they won't be calling back with another "worse" problem.

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