Thursday, June 30, 2016

My Yesterday

My yesterday actually started the night before as we were leaving for soccer and William's car would not start. Dead.  As a door nail, as we say in the South.  The remote wouldn't even unlock the car.

So.  We moved all the soccer gear to my van and off we went. On our way William called his dad - whom, of course, is out of town.  Of course, he is.  Something breaks is a sure sign of that.  Anyway. He and his father had a long conversation. When he got off the phone, William said, yeah, he said we should jump it and take it to the dealership. I said that was an awfully long conversation. William said "I just shorted it to the important stuff."

Remember that as I go on....

So, we got up Wednesday and went about my original plan: deep clean the house with free manpower: my two fully-able-body teenage boys.

Can you feel their excitement??  I'm sure they are now planning for jobs that pay enough to hire a housekeeper.

Yes, they complained.  Yes, they grumbled. And yes, they probably did not clean as well as I would have liked, BUT! getting at least one layer of dirt off the baseboards, crown-molding, ceiling fans, is better than nothing.  And I didn't have to do it my self.

I did other cleanings....scrubbed the kitchen, laundry, floors... Sadly, even after we cleaned for several hours and were very tired, I could still see things that needed to be done.  But we'll just have to wait another day.  It was after lunch and we needed to still deal with William's car.

Since it's a hybrid, things like the battery work differently.  So, we pulled the book out and read how to jump it off.  I texted my friend with the jumper cables to come on over. 

About that time William said something about weren't we to call Toyota??  Maybe set up an appointment??  I was can just work us's just a battery. I'm sure they do this all the time.

Then Drew called.  Yea....apparently, he and William talked more details that William told me.  (Are you surprised? I'm not.) 

Backstory: About a month ago we took William's car in for normal stuff like oil change.  And here's where the communication failed.  I remember the discussion being that the hybrid battery was low and would need replacing at some point soon and it was 3K. ouch! So, we would wait.  The boys remember the story as the regular battery was low and they didn't have one in stock and so, we couldn't take care of it and so, we would just wait. 

Which is why Drew told William last night to call Toyota BEFORE we took it in to see if they had one in stock and if not, then order one.

All that was not told to me.  ME - the one  was talking care of all the details.

So, I texted my friend NOT to come over, I called Toyota - and was put on hold.  Then it took hours for someone to call me back.  But they did have one in stock and we could come on down.

But of course, its not that easy.

We did get my friend to come over with the jumper took longer than normal, but we got the car started and drove it to the dealership..

Who acted like they had no idea why I was there.


Lessons of the day:  Bad teenage cleaners are better than no cleaners.  Always, ALWAYS get the details from the husband....not the teenage boy.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Lazy Weekend

I love lazy mornings... and very glad today is one of them. Not much has happened this week...I did get a few things done, but with a few migraines, I read more than being productive at cleaning my house or working on a new quilt (that I have cut out, but have not had the motivation to start to lay out and piece together.) I even had the time off from work, since summer is a slow time for us.

I did come across a few new authors and have read them this week: Lisa Phillips and Karen E Olson.  Both write mysteries...and I enjoyed both.  The Olson book had a smattering of bad language, but not so much that I gave up on it. I'm looking forward to finding more from both at my library.

Today's main goal is to get Melissa ready for camp that starts tomorrow.  She has some scholarship opportunities through this camp and her and Drew will be finalizing those applications today.  She's a pretty good writer, but her dad? He's GREAT at editing things.

And tonight's main goal??? To make it to the James Taylor concert on time!!!  Should be a very entertaining concert!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Father's Day Weekend

We were able to spend this past weekend with Drew's family.  Christmas was the last time the kids and I were able to visit. It was nice seeing the new house my in-laws now have.  It's perfect for them!  

We were able to get a few chores done for them (ok - to be honest I did not really do any chores...but a few of my sister-in-laws did and Drew and the boys did....Melissa and I got some shopping in...). Also, we got a few morning walks in and were able to watch the sun set over the Mississippi - both are favorite past times in Natchez!

We ended the weekend on a sad note as we attended a funeral for a beloved uncle. It was so nice to see so many of the extended family, but hated that it was at a funeral.  But Uncle George lived a long and happy life....we're trying to focus on that.

One of the funnier moments of the weekend actually happened before we left town.  I had the kids give Drew his father's day gifts before we left so we wouldn't have to keep up with them.  All the kids are very un-inspired when it comes to gifts: they all gave him chocolate.  But, at least, he shares with me!  The funny moment was when we read the card the kids gave him.  William signed his first  - AND LAST NAME!! As if there was another son named William?? And while Benjamin didn't write his last name, he did put his last initial.  Once again, as if there was another son named Benjamin.

Who knows what these boys are thinking!!  (And maybe perhaps even funnier - this is not the first time William has signed a card to one of his parents this way!!)

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

A Few Pictures From Our Weekend Away

I love driving out of Louisiana and into Arkansas. Where Louisiana is flat and boring, Arkansas is hilly and beautiful. Or at least to me.  I love when we can go - even if it just a long weekend like we did this part weekend.  Here's a few pictures....

For Melissa the weekend was all about taking good pics to post on Instagram.

Hiking...look at all those beautiful trees!!

St. Anthony's Chapel....absolutely beautiful! Wish I could attend a service here....

Taking a selfie with all the family.

Our new hobby..."escape rooms" have to solve puzzles within the allotted time in order to "win" and get out of the room.  What a blast!!

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Things That Make You Say WHAT?????

Today Melissa was searching for some kind of special green tea. She's on a health kick. So, she called around and our local health food store had some.  When she returned home, she was laughing.  Apparently, this week they are celebrating their anniversary by giving away free samples of products to customers.  Here's what they gave Melissa....who is obviously a teenager....