Wednesday, August 22, 2012

School Time = Busy Time

Yep. It's that time of the starts and life get busy!   I set down on Monday and put everything (that I know of!) going on onto a calendar. Took a sweet forever!

William is doing soccer. While it doesn't start for a few more weeks, we do have the practice schedule and games already. This year there will be a formal try-out for varsity and junior varsity.  Last year William made varsity as a freshman (it was just a coaching decision - no formal system that the parents knew of), but didnt' play unless we were ahead  - by a lot. He did play a good bit at the junior varsity games. He felt like there were more people at the informational meeting that there were at the work-outs this summer.  So...we'll see how it goes.  I'm also trying to get him to join one or two clubs  - SADD or the community service or Interact. Not sure if he will or not.  He, also, plans to try-out for the school play in the spring. He really enjoyed that last year. He will continue doing gifted music. I'm hoping that we'll add guitar this year....we'll see.....might be sort of hard since we have yet to buy one.....

Melissa is doing art again this year.  The cross country teacher tried to talk her into running again this year - and almost had Melissa committed to it until Melissa found out her younger brother wants to do cross country.  Then it was "NOT IF HE'S GOING TO BE THERE!!!" I tried to work something out....even got  Benjamin to agree to quit trying to embarrassing her in front of her friends, but all to no avail. She doesn't want to be anywhere he is. (Wonder how that's going to work next year when he's old enough to be in the youth program at church.....) But Melissa is on the ambassador team at school - so she does have something that no other family has. She's happy about that!  And she will, as well, continue the gifted music program.  She has a weekly babysitting job that will keep her busy - and money in her pocket!!  Right now she says she is saving up to buy some 'Miss Me' jeans. (They are well - WELL - over my budget for her clothing needs!!)

So, yeah - Benjamin is going to try to do cross country.  Today is the first practice, so, we'll see how he does. He may find it harder than he thinks!! His elective this year is robotics, so there will be competitions he'll be involved with that. Also, he is trying out for the gifted music program. The testing is different than last year's, so I'm not sure what it will  entail or how Benjamin will do. It's suppose to happen by the end of the month...we'll see. If he doesn't get into the program...not sure if he'll take private piano lessons or not....I'm just about tired of the whining and complaining that I get from him over it! Not that he complains to his dad - just to me....urgg.  He is, also, doing soccer this fall. His first practice is  Monday - he's excited! He loves it like his big brother.

Add to that church programs and family stuff - we'll be busy! But in a good kind of way. I'm very thankful that Drew will be around (no deploying!!) to help drive the taxi.

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