Friday, April 26, 2013

Camo Day

Today was camo day at school.


I'm so not into camo.

One of the clubs was sponsoring an after-school dance with the theme of Duck Dynasty and camo.  One girl was all deck out! Headband, shirts, boots, - even lunchbox.  Another girl even had a camo backpack.  Yep. This is the Deep South.

When William was a baby someone gave us a camo shirt. I refused to put it on the child. Just not our thing at. all. AT. ALL.

Of course, I had to laugh when my DAUGHTER was the  one in camo first out of all my children. The first year we were here the one of the school clubs sold a shirt the kids could wear at school (we have school uniforms.) It was camo. I was shocked when she wanted one. And wore it. Still does at times.

But me? I don't think I have ever worn anything camo in my life!

So not me.

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