Monday, October 28, 2013

Sweet Friends

Last week there was a box at my door. I had ordered Benjamin's birthday present, so I was excepting the box to be that. But when I saw the return address, I knew it wasn't. This box was from my friend Charlotte that moved to Virginia this past summer. What in the world could she be sending me...that rattled??? 

I was so happy and surprised to find a box of my favorite chocolate!! 

Friends that speak your chocolate language are wonderful friends to have!! I so miss her! 

But then another friend blessed me as well. My friend Fay prayed the most beautiful blessing and prayer over me and another friend, Jennifer during church Sunday. 

Jennifer's husband is deployed for a year to a land far far away. I know Fay is upholding both of us up daily in prayer as we (once again) deal with life as happily-married-single parents. Her prayer Sunday brought tears rolling down my face. 

Whether it's chocolate or prayers, friends are a good thing to have.  

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