The end of the week was very welcomed. Thursday was so frustrating....and that was before I even got to work. I realized earlier this week that the doctor back in July at Benjamin's annual visit didn't give him more than one inhaler of his asthma medicine. Usually we get enough for a whole year.
What doctor only gives one inhaler to last a year???!!
So, I called on Monday to get the prescription renewed and the nurse called me back on Wednesday as I was driving back from helping my parents. I almost went by the pharmacy then, but a nap was calling my name loud and clear.
First thing Thursday was to swing by the main pharmacy on the base take care of this....but I realized that only one med was taken care of, but not the asthma one. I tried to take care of it then and there, but it was taking too long and I had to leave for work.
I was so frustrated!!
Then I went to work. (I do enjoy my job, but waiting around for people is not my best forte. But the right people showed up and payroll was taken care of.)
Today we went back to the problem of Ben's meds... After a call to the pharmacy, I had to call family practice. Again. Late today a nurse called me back She is just as baffled as I am. She said she talked to the doctor and he agreed to approved the inhaler. But when she went to check on it after I called again, she saw that he cancelled the order. And of course, he was gone for the weekend when she realized this.
Good thing Ben has enough for the weekend.
She'll deal with it first thing Monday morning. Still it just doesn't make sense that the doctor this summer didn't get us enough meds for a whole year.
But we did have some good news today - Melissa got her official acceptance letter from her first choice of colleges. Well....actually, her only choice....she had no back-up plan...not that she needed one. So, next year she'll be off to Ole Miss....following in her parents' footsteps.
We're ending the day with magic. We typically go out for dinner on Friday nights, but Drew worked late...and liked what I cooked for the kids, so we ate at home. Now we're watching magic shows on the DVR. There's several magic shows on TV now and Drew loves them all. He watches a trick then rewinds it so see how it was done. For the most part he can figure the trick out.
Tomorrow is all about sleeping late. And the start of rec soccer....I'm sure it'll be close to 100 degrees on that field....but Benjamin is looking forward to playing. I'll be the one covered in sunblock and sitting under an umbrella.