Sunday night we had several friends over to play games. I was able to get two games of Ticket to Ride in - won one; lost one... The teenage boys played Risk. One set of friends played Canasta. All in all, I think everyone had a good time. And we had several yummy treats!
Monday was a day Melissa and I had been looking forward to for months!! A dear friend of ours had here baby! His name is Gabriel and Melissa and I adore him! He's so cute!! We're looking forward to holding him again!
Tuesday we attended a friend's retirement from the Air Force. It was a beautiful ceremony. Later that night I was able to delivery my niece's t-shirt quilt finally done. She gave me her high school t-shirts back in August. I told her then I would try to get it done by Christmas. I finished earlier in the month - I'm so glad it came out well!. She loves it!
Wednesday Melissa and I had another we had been looking forward to: her senior year portraits. A friend of the family's is a great photographer and we had her do them. She had some inside and outside. We'll go back in a few weeks to see the proofs. I have a feeling it's going to be hard to decide which ones to purchase....and Drew has already given me a budget....
Thursday I cooked for the friend with the new baby....we just had a relaxing day. And got to see the baby again.
Friday Drew took the day off! - yea!! I love it when the alarm does NOT go off at 5:40!! Drew and the boys went out for lunch the saw the newest Star Wars movie: Rouge One. We all enjoyed it - the lunch and the movie!
Christmas Eve we stayed home and cooked. I made gingerbread and sugar cookies while Drew used his new electric smoker to smoke salmon for our Christmas Eve dinner. The salmon turned out a little more salty than we all liked, but not a bad try the first time to smoke fish. After our dinner, we attended our church's Christmas Eve service. Instead of the normal candlelight service, this year the service had a festive feel instead of a sacred one. After we tortured the kids after church by driving around to look at Christmas lights, we opened our presents when we got home. I think they were overall happy...nothing too big at this time.
Christmas morning we had to wake up the kids. That's like with teenagers... the days of them waking us up at the crack of down are over! William's big gift was a chair for his dorm room he asked for, Melissa got a new cell phone, and Benjamin got money. He never could come up with a gift we would agree to, so he got money.
After church in the morning we drove over to my parent's house for the afternoon. It was a nice time with my family...and of course, good food.
Today - Monday - we enjoyed sleeping in again! Sadly, Drew's alarm will go off early tomorrow morning again, so we definitely enjoyed sleeping in today. We both did some more cooking. Also, a neighbor came over to taste our food and play a few rounds of a new game Ben gave Drew for Christmas called Sequence. I have yet to win!! May not be my game.....
The kids are currently out shopping to spend some of the money got received from Christmas while Drew and I are watching a movie. I am contemplating de-decorating the house....but just contemplating all week, right?