Thursday, January 26, 2012

More Grace

I'm currently reading a fascinating book called "Meals that Heal" by Perry Stone.  While I'm not totally sure I agree, yet, with the main theme, I have enjoyed all the information the book gives. It really connects many things between the Old and New Testaments. One issue it spent some time on was judging others.

I got convicted over my thoughts of Paula Dean. She recently admitted that she was diagnosis with diabetes three years ago - but did not really change her ways when it came to her cooking shows. She is now admitting to the diagnosis as she is now a spokesperson for a diabetes drug.

Looks bad, doesn't it?

And yes, I thought the worse as well...."it's all about the  money".

But the above book reminded me that the Bible clearly states we shouldn't judge others - and sometimes we shroud our judgment in our "opinion".

So.  More grace is needed.  I'm now trying to think of Mrs. Dean as being in shocked - maybe embarrassed - and probably clueless over the diabetes.  Hopefully, in the future she will share how to change her over-the-top butter-loaded meals into more health-friendly recipes.

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